Hi I'm Justin! Thanks for checking out my portfolio :)

I'm currently in my second year studying BSc Games Design and Development at the University of Greenwich. I'm on the programming pathway for this course as I want to specialise in coding and game development! I use the Unity game engine and C#, but am currently learning how to use Unreal Engine 5 and C++ to further develop my skills. After studying Computer Science at GCSE and A Level, I got more into coding and wanted to expand my knowledge, but into a subject I find fun and interesting: Games! I'm really enjoying my time at Greenwich and its great to be in London where so many game studios and developers are.
Fun fact: I actually used to be awful at coding and thought it wasn't my thing, but when I decided (very last minute) to take Computer Science at GCSE, my views and attitude towards coding completely changed! I ended up really enjoying it and it just suddenly started to click in my head! That last minute decision to swap from French to Computer Science was such a great decision and I'm so thankful of past me for that.

I'm very proud to be a committee member of the new Games Dev Society at the Uni of Greenwich! We're looking forward to hosting many events like game jams, game nights, event trips, and much more. Check us out on Instagram or LinkedIn!